From Flailing to Flourishing: Sarah Head's Testimony


Depression, low self-esteem and insecurity are things I have struggled with for as long as I can remember.

For years I allowed the feelings of depression to overcome me as I sat there helplessly, assuming that this was just a part of life that I needed to accept. But several years ago, the Lord invited me on a journey to learn what it means to live a life of flourishing - even amidst depression and anxiety. 

After having my second baby in 2013, I was laying on the couch one day in a bout of depression. As I was laying there, I remember hearing in my spirit the words, “RISE UP.” I remember responding with, “I can’t. I’m stuck.” I then remember the Lord speaking so clearly to me that if I would rise up, and if I would make HIS Word my priority, He would renew my mind and teach me how to flourish in each and every season.

I got off the couch that day, grabbed my Bible and started reading. I started in Psalm 1, where I read this promise in verses 2 and 3:

“But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” 

During that season I read the entire book of Psalms over and over again, highlighting the verses that stood out to me. I highlighted in green any verse that talked about life, prospering or flourishing. I highlighted in pink every verse that talked about joy, praise and thanksgiving. I highlighted in yellow every verse that was a direct promise from the Lord. As I began reading and meditating on these Scriptures, my mind and heart began to change.

Eventually I took all the verses I highlighted and put them on index cards on a metal ring. Anytime the feelings of depression arose, I pulled out my Scriptures and started to declare them over my life. As time went on I began to view depression not as something I was genetically predisposed to – but as an invitation to come into agreement with the truth of God’s Word.

Over the last several years, the Lord has taught me how to fight against the lies of the enemy that, for too long, were claiming victory over many areas of my life. By meditating on God’s Word, filling our home with worship, and communing with God through prayer, I have learned how to fight feelings of hopelessness and depression head on. The Lord has taught me how to go to the battlefield victoriously, with my head held high and with my sword in my hand.

Friend, God created you to flourish. He created you to be an overcomer. What He has done for me I know He wants to do for you, too! 

You don’t have to let depression, anxiety or fear overtake your life anymore! You don’t have to be defined by the hardships you face. You don’t have to go into the battle without your sword.

You WILL be a woman who overcomes and is victorious in the battle that is raging within your heart and mind.

I am rooting for you!


Sarah Head

Sarah Head